Photo: London Museum of Natural History
On a trip to London, England I decided to visit the London Museum of Natural History. The first thing that struck me was the building itself, an amazing structure inside and out. That type of thing you just don't see in the young city of Vancouver, BC. This is an HDR shot of the interior, the amount of detail in the structure is just fantastic.
Photo: St. David’s Church, Neath, Wales
Shot on a visit to Neath, Wales. This is St. David’s Church, which is beautiful inside and out. I literally had only a few seconds to set up for this shot as the pastor said that a service will be starting soon and people were starting to arrive.
Photo: George Washington Memorial
A photo of the George Washington Memorial taken while on a business trip to the city. The light was fading, and a security guard was looking at me funny as I parked in an illegal zone and ran up to the memorial. Considering this is a hand-held HDR shot, it turned out rather well. I think the cool blue light contrasts well with the illuminated building.
Photo: Kayak Sunset
A photo from a kayak camping trip in the British Columbia Gulf Islands. This was on Valdez Island, kayaks were put to bed and the sun was setting after a long day on the water.
Photo: Vancouver Skyline At Sunset
Another beautiful sunset in Vancouver. Taken from the west side of the Cambie Street Bridge.
Photo: Vancouver Sunset May 2011
I visit this spot often, it is the west side of the Cambie Street bridge in Vancouver. Depending on the time of year, the sun sets in different spots. It's always changing and always beautiful.
Photo: East Vancouver Supermoon
Taken March 19, 2011 during the "Supermoon" event when the full moon is closer to earth in it's orbit. Lucky for me, we had clear skies and I managed to get this shot of the moon rising over the East Van sign.