2019-07-06 - Hike up Hope Lookout Trail - 1949 sign

Hiking the Hope Lookout Trail

I hiked this with my six year old twins on July 6, 2019 but just posting a few pics now. The trail head starts in Hope, BC and is a short but relatively steep climb to the lookout. You get a nice panoramic view of the town below, it's well worth the effort.

As with some of my previous hikes. You can download my GPX or KML files for use in your own GPS devices.

Here are some images from the trail.  High resolution panorama is shown at the end. Click for bigger versions.


I took a series of photos from the top using my high resolution camera (46 megapixel) then stitched the files into a large panorama.  The smaller version is shown below, but you can get a much bigger version HERE and zoom in to look around town.  I'm not posting the full size file as it's just huge and takes forever to download.

Hope Panorama 4K

Downtown Toronto Panorama at Night

Visit to Toronto

I had very little time to take photos in Toronto, just one night after work.  Ventured to the islands off of downtown and managed to get a few nice shots.  I'll try to update this post once I edit a few more.

Downtown Toronto Panorama at Night
Toronto, Canada

Canada Day Fireworks - Canada Place, Vancouver, BC - 2015-07-01 : 2

Canada Day Fireworks At Canada Place

I haven't had time to process my photos from last night and given my backlog it may take some time :)

I did want to get a few posted though, for those that missed the festivities at Canada Place.  These shots are taken from Waterfront Centre with the Vancouver Convention Centre on the left and Canada Place on the right.  Before the fireworks started, I managed to get a couple of short Hyperlapse videos of the crowd.



This was my vantage point, couldn't ask for better (iPhone panorama).

Canada Day at Canada Place iPhone Panorama : July 1, 2015

A few photos from the evening, I'll try to get some better edits and more photos up soon.

Canada Day Fireworks - Canada Place, Vancouver, BC - 2015-07-01 : 5

Canada Day Fireworks - Canada Place, Vancouver, BC - 2015-07-01 : 6

Canada Day Fireworks - Canada Place, Vancouver, BC - 2015-07-01 : 3

Canada Day Fireworks - Canada Place, Vancouver, BC - 2015-07-01 : 2

Canada Day Fireworks - Canada Place, Vancouver, BC - 2015-07-01 : 1

Canada Day Fireworks - Canada Place, Vancouver, BC - 2015-07-01 : 4